
This simple reading will help to determine your traits, learn about the ongoing transits, determine places where you can be vulnerable and help you find areas where you can excel without struggling as much as you do. It will also include some astrology tips to improve your life.

Book a basic reading now only for 17 £. This reading shall last for 30 mins and will be conducted via zoom/WhatsApp.

The Combination Consultation:

This will be based on Face Reading, Onomastics, numerology and astrology. You will keep your questions ready before the consultation. The session can last for 30 mins 44 £ or one hour 80 £. It will be an in-depth analysis of everything and will help you take some major decisions as well as tackle some bigger problems.

    Symptoms of Spiritual Attacks and Treatment

    • Do you feel constantly tired and weak, despite adequate rest?
    • Have you noticed a sudden drop in your energy levels without a medical explanation?
    • Are you experiencing frequent and unusual illnesses?
    • Do you have chronic pain or ailments that seem resistant to treatment?
    • Do you feel overwhelming anxiety, fear, or depression without any apparent cause?
    • Have you noticed sudden mood swings or irrational thoughts?
    • Are you having trouble sleeping, experiencing nightmares, or waking up at odd hours?
    • Do you feel unrested even after a full night’s sleep?
    • Are you facing unexpected financial difficulties or professional setbacks?
    • Have you experienced sudden losses or failures that seem inexplicable?
    • Are your personal relationships suffering without any clear reason?
    • Do you feel an unusual sense of discord or alienation from loved ones?
    • Do you feel an unexplained sense of being watched or followed?
    • Have you noticed odd behaviour in yourself, such as talking to yourself or responding to unseen entities?
    • Have you observed strange noises, shadows, or movements in your home?
    • Do you feel an inexplicable coldness or heaviness in certain areas of your living space?
    • Do you feel a constant sense of dread or paranoia without a clear cause?
    • Are you unusually fearful of certain places or people?
    • Do you feel like you are losing control over your actions or thoughts?
    • Have you experienced episodes where you seem to act under the influence of an external force?
    • Do you notice a sudden streak of bad luck or misfortune after receiving attention or compliments from others?
    • Have you felt a sharp decline in your health or well-being after an envious glance?
    • Do you feel targeted by negative energy or harmful intentions from someone?
    • Have you experienced unexplained physical sensations like tingling, pressure, or sharp pains?
    • Do you feel disconnected from yourself or your purpose in life?
    • Have you experienced a sense of emptiness or missing parts of your personality?
    • Do you witness or hear unexplained phenomena like apparitions, voices, or moving objects?
    • Have you felt an oppressive or malevolent presence in your surroundings?

    If you suspect that any of these symptoms apply to you, it may be worth exploring further to determine if there is an underlying spiritual cause. Seeking the help of a professional in spiritual or energetic healing can also provide clarity and support.

    Free Mentoring Sessions:

    I believe in giving back to the community and where I’m at in life is with the help of the people who supported me. I wish to be  a source of support to those who are needy and cannot afford the cost of services charged by professionals. Therefore, I am offering free mentoring session on the 28th of each month. The session will be via a video link available on my website. Your questions can be around any of my services, especially the students who are looking for jobs or women who are going through relationship changes, can feel free to join the session. It will be a public call that shall last for 2 hours. In case your questions are not answered, you can always request them on my tiktok live or in the next session.

    My humble request, please feel at home and please be your true self. No one is here to judge you and I’m honestly lovingly here to dedicate myself to supporting you in whatever way I can.