Home Security & Protection

Are you constantly worried about the safety of your home from burglaries or invasions? Do you feel unsafe even in the comfort of your own house? Do you sense a lot of negative energy in your home? Have strange things been happening in your household? Do you feel like your home is under attack?

Assessment Only (£17)

A comprehensive spiritual and energetic assessment of your household to determine if your home is under attack by evil entities or vulnerable to physical losses. This will include a detailed report explaining the measures and extent of any damage.

Tailored Solutions (£35)

In addition to the assessment, receive customized solutions for your specific situation. These solutions will help you mitigate the identified issues effectively.

Cleansing Rituals (£98)

For serious cases, opt for a 30-day cleansing ritual practice that involves removing negative energies and protecting your home from future attacks. This intensive service ensures a thorough cleansing and long-term peace of mind.